When George the giant spies a shop full of wonderful clothes, he decides to treat himself to a new outfit. He puts on his new shirt, pants, shoes, and tie, and is immediately transformed from the scruffiest giant in town to the spiffiest giant in town. But on his way home, George runs into various animals who need his help. And little by little, George finds himself giving away all his new purchases.
From the creators of Room on the Broom, this is a lively tale that reminds readers that sometimes it's what's inside a person-or a giant-that matters most.
Julia Donaldson is the author of many successful books for children, including the classic THE GRUFFALO, which has won the Smarties Prize and the Blue Peter Award for the Best Book to Read Aloud. THE GRUFFALO'S CHILD was one of the biggest best-sellers of 2004 and won WHS Children's Book of the Year at the British Book Awards. Julia has also written many children's plays and songs, and runs regular storytelling and drama workshops. She lives in Glasgow with her family.
PreSchool-Grade 3-In a place where giants and "regular sized" people coexist peacefully, George has a problem. He is "the scruffiest giant in town" until he finds a new clothing shop and buys himself some new duds. However, his days of being the spiffiest giant in town are numbered because he is so kindhearted. As he sings a little tune to himself about looking so fine, he runs into needy creatures. Soon George has given up his striped tie to warm a giraffe's neck, a shoe to house a mouse family, his shirt to a goat that needs a sail for its boat, and so on until he has to retrieve his old rags. Finally, he is offered a crown and the title "the kindest giant in town" by his appreciative beneficiaries. Scheffler's brightly colored, animated cartoons, done in pencil, ink, watercolors, colored pencils, and crayons, are perfect for this offbeat story of generosity. Good for collections needing books about being kind to others.
--Bina Williams, Bridgeport Public Library, CT 前言/序言
The Spiffiest Giant in Town 英文原版 [平裝] [3歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
The Spiffiest Giant in Town 英文原版 [平裝] [3歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
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