The Rainbow is considered to be one of D. H. Lawrence's finest works. Covering the pre-World War I period from about 1840 to 1905, the novel explores the relationships between three generations in the Brangwen family, describing in the process the emergence of English society from the Victorian period and its entrance into the modern period. Lawrence shows how characters are determined in part by the time and place in which they live, and he also dramatizes how they struggle to reconcile conflicting feelings and impulses. The Rainbow was followed by a sequel, Women in Love, in 1920. David Herbert Richards Lawrence was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist and literary critic. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct. One of D.H. Lawrence's finest and most controversial works, The Rainbow introduced sexual life into the family-chronicle novel, portraying a visionary quest for love by three generations of English men and women.
D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930) was as a pioneer of English modernism and is best known for his novels Lady Chatterley's Lover, Sons and Lovers, and Women in Love. Rachel Cusk is the author of Arlington Park, for which she was shortlisted for the Orange Prize; The Country Life, for which she won the Somerset Maugham Award; The Last Supper; and Saving Agnes, for which she won the Whitbread First Novel Award.
"Lawrence is the most Dostoevskian of English novelists, in whose best work conflicting ideological positions are brought into play and set up against each other in dialogue that is never simply or finally resolved."
-- David Lodge
"No writer since Lawrence has been so openly governed by what seems like powerful personal likes and dislikes, grievances, and by what appear to many as untenable prejudices."
-- Amit Chauduri
"What astonished me reading it this time round is the iconoclastic modernity of the novel... the sense of daring experiment. I had entirely forgotten what drastic steps Lawrence was taking with character, for instance. Or with narrative (the novel proceeds cyclically). When this is combined with sexual overtness and a revolutionary call for the individual to achieve "Me-ness" in opposition to the nation, industry and war, we have a book that, appearing as it did in 1915, seemed genuinely disturbing"
-- Adam Thorpe Guardian
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