适读人群 :4岁及以上 超过200张精彩照片,记录动物精彩瞬间的珍贵照片,每页都有趣味知识,帮助孩子认识动物生活区域的世界动物地图,将阅读体验拓展至书本以外世界 。 ★鲸鲨有27000颗小牙齿、雄海龟终生在海里生活 ★鲎其实是蜘蛛的亲戚、海象用触须寻找食物 ★一起潜进美妙的蓝色世界,认识五花八门的海洋生物 威武的狮子、艳丽的树蛙、聪明的海豚、可爱的沙漠跳鼠……从两极到沙漠,从海洋到陆地,世界各地的动物们将在这本书里为你讲述各自的秘密:狮子一天有20 个小时在休息,海豚出生后几分钟就会游泳,大猩猩的手臂比身体还长……快翻开这本书,进入精彩绝伦的动物世界吧!和猎豹一起在草原上驰骋,和大猩猩一起在森林里穿梭,和海豚一起在大海中畅游!图书还提供了根据书中内容设计的趣味活动,孩子可以在爸爸妈妈的陪伴下玩好玩的游戏,在游戏中进一步理解知识,发展各种能力。
The National Geographic Little Kids Big Book of Animals is an adorable animal reference sure to be welcomed by parents and librarians alike. Filled with fluffy and scaly creatures big and small, this appealing book introduces the youngest explorers to the world of wildlife, using a child-friendly format inspired by the blockbuster National Geographic Little Kids magazine. This exciting new reference for the very young mirrors the magazine's square shape, readable fonts, and fun content, to keep little ones thrilled with every colorful page.
Little Kids Big Book of Animals devotes four pages each to 32 high-interest creatures, including dolphins, tigers, butterflies, frogs, penguins, wolves, and pandas. More than 150 of National Geographic's most charming animal photos illustrate the profiles, which feature just the kind of facts that little kids want to know--the creature's size, diet, home, and more.
Child-friendly text explains how animal parents take care of their young, how baby animals change as they grow, and how they learn to hunt and eat. The brief text, large type, and appealing profiles are perfect for young readers to enjoy on their own, or for parents and other caregivers to read aloud. These animal tales will quickly become favorites at storytime, bedtime, and any other time.
Catherine D. Hughes is the science editor for the award-winning National Geographic Kids and Little Kids magazines in the United States - she has a master's degree in early childhood education.
"This splashy, colorful book presents animals according to their biomes. Divided by "where they live," the text is organized by grassland, ocean, desert, forest, and polar regions. It offers extensive, age-appropriate activities and questions throughout that are meant to assist parents (or teachers) in exploring the points of the text. The book is durable and of a size friendly to young hands, with large, colorful photos of animals that are instantly appealing: tigers, giraffes, octopi, and penguins are some examples. Unsurprisingly, the book is mammal-focused and it often presents the animals in an anthropomorphic light, using terms such as "Mommy," "jobs," and "babysitters." However, this is forgivable given the very young audience for the book. The text follows a consistent pattern of offering basic facts—"kind," "home," "size," "food," "sounds," and "babies"—regarding each animal. Colorful text boxes and insets around the photos add interesting tid-bits. Not clearly noted but arising anyway, is the issue of predators. That is because the text discusses stripes and camouflage, and the playfulness of both tiger and lion cubs, but delicately refrains from mentioning the reasons for the playful pouncing and the stripes. Other omissions are frustrating as well: the Animal Map meant to illustrate where the featured animals live is simply a picture of the globe on which the continents are color-coded. For example, Africa has both the cheetah ("grassland") and the desert jerboa ("desert") featured in the book, but the map does not distinguish between the two animals' territories, nor does it label where the biomes are on any of the continents. The glossary and index are thorough and yet age-appropriate. The "Parent Tips" section is replete with proposed activities, some of which are useful and some of which are very attenuated from the biological and ecological lessons of the primary text."
--Children's Literature
First Big Book of Animals 英文原版 [精装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
First Big Book of Animals 英文原版 [精装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
First Big Book of Animals 英文原版 [精装] [4岁及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025