"Silly, silly Shel Silverstein. For more than 25 years, he has taken children exactly where they want to go with poetry: into the world of nonsense and wordplay. Take "Instructions," for example:
If you should ever choose
To bathe an armadillo,
Use one bar of soap
And a whole lot of hope
And seventy-two pads of Brillo.
Is there a moral? A higher meaning? A lesson? Most certainly not--except perhaps in bathing armadillos. The late poet's collection of verse and pen-and-ink drawings, Where the Sidewalk Ends, is the bestselling children's poetry book of all time. Now, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of this literary marvel, a special new edition is available, complete with a CD featuring 10 of his nuttiest poems. The compilation, "recited, sung, and shouted" by Silverstein himself, features highlights from his Grammy Award-winning album, including "Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too," "With His Mouth Full of Food," "Crocodile's Toothache," and "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out." No child--or grownup, for that matter--should be without this collection, or its companion, A Light in the Attic. (Ages 5 and older)"
--Emilie Coulter
Shel Silverstein is the author-artist of many beloved books of prose and poetry. He was a cartoonist, playwright, poet, performer, recording artist, and Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated songwriter.
And now, children, your Uncle Shelby is going to tell you a story about a very strange lion -- in fact, the strangest lion I have ever met."" So begins one of Shel Silverstein's very first children's books, Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back. It's funny and sad and has made readers laugh and think ever since it was published in 1963.
Where the Sidewalk Ends Book and CD [精裝] [6歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024
Where the Sidewalk Ends Book and CD [精裝] [6歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書讀書,是人的生活中很有趣味兒的事。如果把工作比喻為攀登一座高山,把寫作比喻為“戴著腳鐐跳舞”,那麼,讀書,就好比是順風行船,嘴裏還能品嘗著營養豐富的餅乾。不管是書籍,還是報刊雜誌,絕對不是文字的堆砌,而是一串串鮮活的形象和思想。打開樹葉,就會有一股股的香味撲麵而來,清新馥鬱,淡淡的溫馨。所以,古人早就創造瞭一個詞語:書香門第,讀者喲本新書,從書裏麵也會品嘗到滋味的。酸甜苦辣鹹,無味俱全。所以,古人早就創作瞭一幅對聯:“無情歲月增中減,有味詩書苦後甜。”可見,讀書就是一種享受,一種高雅的享受。這是其他任何享受,都不可同日而語。
Where the Sidewalk Ends Book and CD [精裝] [6歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2024