适读人群 :8-12岁 A modern master of fantasy has selected nine of his short stories and a poem and added a segment from an upcoming children's title for this volume, appropriately titled in homage to a past master, Ray Bradbury. Leading off with a classic detective story involving nursery rhyme characters, Gaiman continues down familiar but twisted paths. There's a scary jack-in-the-box and a troll under a bridge. A rogue describes a perfect scam. A black cat fends off the devil; the eaters of a phoenix discover that it burns. There are stories about talking with girls, with ghosts, with knights in armor, and with aliens. Finally, Gaiman concludes with instructions for proper behavior in fairy-tale land. Although all but "The Witch's Headstone" have appeared elsewhere, this well-chosen collection is sure to create a new generation of Gaiman fans who will not need to understand all the allusions to enjoy the stories. Danish comic-book artist Kristiansen, no stranger to Gaiman material, will be providing the illustrations.
Taking both inspiration and naming convention from Ray Bradbury's R Is for Rocket and S Is for Space, Gaiman's first YA anthology is a fine collection of previously published short stories. Although Gaiman's prose skill has improved markedly since the earliest stories included here, one constant is his stellar imagination, not to mention his knack for finding unexpected room for exploration in conventional story motifs. Jill Dumpty, sister of the late Humpty, hires a hard-boiled detective to look into her brother's tragic fall; the 12 months of the year sit around in a circle, telling each other stories about the things they've seen; an elderly woman finds the Holy Grail in a flea market and takes it home because of how nice it will look on her mantelpiece. Collectors will be pleased to note the inclusion of several stories that were previously published in the now-hard-to-find collection Angels & Visitations. Also of note is fan favorite How to Talk to Girls at Parties, which has been nominated for a Hugo Award for 2007. Though Gaiman is still best known for his groundbreaking Sandman comic book epic, this volume is an excellent reminder of his considerable talent for short-form prose.
Master storyteller Neil Gaiman presents a breathtaking collection of tales for younger readers that may chill or amuse, but that always embrace the unexpected:
Humpty Dumpty's sister hires a private detective to investigate her brother's death.
A teenage boy who has trouble talking to girls finds himself at a rather unusual party.
A boy raised in a graveyard makes a discovery, and confronts the much more troubling world of the living.
Neil Gaiman is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, audio theatre and films. His notable works include the comic book series The Sandman and novels Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book. He has won numerous awards, including Hugo, Nebula, Bram Stoker, Newbery Medal, and Carnegie Medal. He is the first author to win both the Newbery and the Carnegie medals for the same work, The Graveyard Book (2008).
尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)是一名移居美国的著名英国作家, 一度被誉为是罗琳之后最成功的作家。相貌英俊的他也以称得上是一位当代奇才,其创作的领域横跨了幻想小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说、儿童小说、漫画以及歌词。他的作品不但部部畅销,更是获奖无数。恐怖小说大师作家斯蒂芬·金称赞他是一个“装满了故事的宝库”。
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%D%A 哲学中最好的思考方式莫过于提出问题并用理性去寻求解答。人类是理性的动物(毕达哥拉斯),你很难想象,同样的一些分子构成的碳水化合物组成的大脑为什么偏偏让人类拥有了理性,猪就不知道最近正在流行一种以它的名字命名的瘟疫。如果没有理性,我们的地球仍然是宇宙的中心,世界可能还在九头大象的背上。回到最初的那个问题,如果我问人从哪里来,估计有一群人会翻开圣经的创世纪念出他们喜欢的句子,而另外一部分人的思维就会跳到十九世纪三十年代从英格兰出发的小猎犬号上了。西方的哲学,以研究人的理性存在的价值为终极目标。如果真有一个超越一切并代表所有终极价值的“神”存在,那么哲学便是用来和这位神沟通的巴比塔,而理性便是用来建这座塔的石料。这实际是一个在有限的未来里人类无法完成的浩大工程。更何况,我们并不知道,这位“神”会不会在我们建成之前摧毁它。如果你能抛开一切现世烦恼,你会发现,原来哲学的终极命题,虽然没有像精灵公主与独眼巨人带着纯粹的美好或者丑陋,也确确实实如同这座巴比塔一样透露着让人不可探知的魔幻意境。 %D%A %D%A 两年多关于哲学书籍的阅读,常常让我觉得哲学,仿佛是一架人性的风车,在人性的作用下转动,并引发思考。我不知道是否因为古希腊神话中的智慧之神雅典娜是个女人,所以在哲学史里,男人们更“爱智”。哲学的世界是男人的世界,鲜有著名女性哲学家的存在。我想,之所以说以女性为观察视角的《苏菲的世界》是一本优秀哲学启蒙书籍的原因,除开作者乔斯坦对西方哲学的通俗故事化,恐怕也是因为行文中浓郁的人文及女权主义气息吧。 %D%A %D%A 《苏菲的世界》里的故事主体,不同于柏拉图理想国中那些望着岩壁上投影的洞穴人,而是一个三层嵌套世界里的苏菲与“上帝”的互动关系。作为“创作者”的上校创造了主人公苏菲的世界,而这本书的作者乔斯坦又创造了上校和他的女儿席德的世界。当苏菲得到真相的时候,她没有感觉一切变得虚无和意义丧失,而是希望摆脱这位造物主的干预——小说的最后触及了存在主义的精神核心。从上校的书中逃离,这是主人公苏菲最后的选择。对于这个结局,通常有两种理解,有人说这是在隐喻二十世纪人们对于现实生活的逃避,也有人说这是苏菲要努力逃脱束缚,并勇敢的完全“自我”。对于作者的立意,我倾向于后一种理解。 人,作为一种拥有开放意识的独立主体,我们应该对所有未知的世界充满无畏和反抗,不管我们从哪里来,不管我们本身多么弱小。 %D%A %D%A “上帝”嗒嗒的敲击着键盘:“人,作为一种拥有开放意识的独立主体,我们应该对所有未知的世界充满无畏和反抗,不管我们从哪里来,不管我们本身多么弱小。”夜里,男孩从笔记本电脑里抬起头。 %D%A “上帝”这么写道,TA微微的笑了笑。 %D%A 海滨城市无边际的黑夜里,海鸟银色的羽翼划破天空,窗外微风习习,月朗星稀。 %D%A 男孩在想,在这个浩大的世界,他将与谁同行。 %D%A