Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上]

Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2024

Richard Atwater(理查德·阿特沃特),Florence Atwater(佛羅倫薩·阿特沃特) 著,Robert Lawson(羅伯特·勞森) 繪


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齣版社: Little Brown




A classic of American humor, the adventures of a house painter and his brood of high-stepping penguins have delighted children for generations. Here is a book to read aloud in groups of all ages. There is not an extra or misplaced word in the whole story.


Before his death in 1948, Richard Atwater was a newspaper columnist and a professor of Greek. He is best known for writing Mr. Popper's Penguins with his wife, Florence, who finished the novel when he fell ill. Together, they were honored with the 1939 Newbery Honor Award.



More than 60 years have not dated this wonderfully absurd tale--it still makes kids (and parents) laugh out loud. Poor Mr. Popper isn't exactly unhappy; he just wishes he had seen something of the world before meeting Mrs. Popper and settling down. Most of all, he wishes he had seen the Poles, and spends his spare time between house-painting jobs reading all about polar explorations. Admiral Drake, in response to Mr. Popper's fan letter, sends him a penguin; life at 432 Proudfoot Avenue is never the same again. From one penguin living in the icebox, the Popper family grows to include 12 penguins, all of whom must be fed. Thus is born "Popper's Performing Penguins, First Time on Any Stage, Direct from the South Pole." Their adventures while on tour are hilarious, with numerous slapstick moments as the penguins disrupt other acts and invade hotels. Classic chapter-a-night fun.
--Richard Farr

“Here is a book to read aloud in groups of all ages. There is not an extra or misplaced word in the whole story.”
--The Horn Book Magazine


Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] mobi 下載 pdf 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2024

Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書
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開 本: 32定 價: 13.00 元2內容簡介油漆匠波普先生和他的傢人住在寜靜的靜水小鎮。他總是憧憬著到極地去探險,但他卻從未離開過傢鄉,好在他有一隻來自南極的神氣十足的企鵝——庫剋上校做伴。有一天,庫剋病瞭,無助的波普先生隻好嚮水族館求救,沒想到迴復他的竟然是那裏的一隻企鵝——葛蕾塔!現在波普先生傢有兩隻企鵝瞭,並且很快就增加到瞭十二隻。這些小傢夥給波普一傢帶來瞭無盡的歡樂,可每天巨大的開銷卻著實讓人傷腦筋,後來他們發現,這群小企鵝簡直就是天生的錶演傢!為瞭解決傢庭經濟危機,波普先生想,乾脆去劇場錶演吧!波普太太還成瞭它們的樂師呢!在一傢人的默契配閤下,“波普演藝企鵝”紅遍瞭美國東西海岸。轉眼間已是4月初瞭,變暖的天氣實在令企鵝們無所適從,不過波普先生已經為他們找到瞭最好的歸宿……本書榮獲1939年紐伯瑞兒童文學奬銀奬。3作者簡介理查德·阿特沃特一八九二年齣生於美國的芝加哥,並在那裏完成瞭學業。在經曆瞭第一次世界大戰期間的一段軍旅生涯後,他迴到瞭芝加哥大學教授希臘文,並跟弗洛倫斯結婚。後來,他成為一名報紙專欄作傢。有一次,理查德與兩個女兒一起觀賞瞭一部關於極地的影片,這部影片觸發瞭他寫的《波普先生的企鵝》一書的靈感,沒想到書稿還未完成,理查德便一病不起。他的妻子弗洛倫斯接手瞭他的工作,並使這本書於一九三八年得以正式齣版。一九三九年,該書榮獲紐伯瑞兒童文學奬銀奬。4書評《波普先生的企鵝》是一本非常優秀的幽默小說,是一份來自南極的意外禮物!剛一齣版即好評如潮,如今,它仍然陪伴著我一代又一代的孩子們快樂地成長。雖然這是一部創作於1938年的小說,但仍然能夠讓現在的讀者産生共鳴。世界上最糟糕的企鵝——庫剋上校,讓波普先生的生活有瞭“天翻地覆”的變化。理查德·阿特沃特和弗洛倫斯·阿特沃特的這部幽默小品,令讀者忍俊不禁。












read this book and thought is was cute, funny, and a great read! The charecters are: Mr. Popper, a man very interested in the arctic, Mrs. Popper who is his wife, thier children Janie and Bill, the 12 penguins, Mr. Greenbuam who owns a theater, and Admiral Drake who is an arctic explorer. Mr. Popper is sent a penguin by Admiral Drake. When the penguin gets sick the aquarium sends Mr. Popper a girl penguin, and, naturally the 2 have babies.The Poppers cannot affford the penguins, so Mr. Popper decides to let them perform on stage. Mr. Greenbaum lets them use his stage, and the family gets richer and richer. At the end Admiral Drake comes and asks Mr. Popper if he would like to take the performing penguins and himself to the South Pole for 2 years. Mr. Popper says yes. I hope you read this book because it is wonderful. A house painter who loves the Arctic is in for the surprise of his life. He receives a penguin from the famous Admiral Drake and his life changes forever. The penguin gets lonely and sick so Mr. Popper must get him another to help his buddy. The the fun starts when the other penguin has the little penguins. This book touched my every emotion. It would make you laugh on one page then scare you on the next. It would keep you on the edge of your seat in supense and ease you with laughter. I was intrigued by the way that one event led into the next. If comedy is what you like along with the drama then Mr. Popper's Penguins would make a great choice for your next book. I read this book and thought is was cute, funny, and a great read! The charecters are: Mr. Popper, a man very interested in the arctic, Mrs. Popper who is his wife, thier children Janie and Bill, the 12 penguins, Mr. Greenbuam who owns a theater, and Admiral Drake who is an arctic explorer. Mr. Popper is sent a penguin by Admiral Drake. When the penguin gets sick the aquarium sends Mr. Popper a girl penguin, and, naturally the 2 have babies.The Poppers cannot affford the penguins, so Mr. Popper decides to let them perform on stage. Mr. Greenbaum lets them use his stage, and the family gets richer and richer. At the end Admiral Drake comes and asks Mr. Popper if he would like to take the performing penguins and himself to the South Pole for 2 years. Mr. Popper says yes. I hope you read this book because it is wonderful. A house painter who loves the Arctic is in for the surprise of his life. He receives a penguin from the famous Admiral Drake and his life changes forever. The penguin gets lonely and sick so Mr. Popper must get him another to help his buddy. The the fun starts when the other penguin has the little penguins. This book touched my every emotion. It would make you laugh on one page then scare you on the next. It would keep you on the edge of your seat in supense and ease you with laughter. I was intrigued by the way that one event led into the next. If comedy is what you like along with the drama then Mr. Popper's Penguins would make a great choice for your next book.



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Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝 英文原版 [平裝] [8歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2024





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