Walk Two Moons印第安人的麂皮靴 英文原版 [平装] [8岁及以上]

Walk Two Moons印第安人的麂皮靴 英文原版 [平装] [8岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2024

Sharon Creech(莎伦·克里奇) 著


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出版社: HarperCollins US
丛书名: Trophy Newbery




"How about a story? Spin us a yarn."
Instantly, Phoebe Winterbottom came to mind. "I could tell you an extensively strange story," I warned.
"Oh, good!" Gram said. "Delicious!"
And that is how I happened to tell them about Phoebe, her disappearing mother, and the lunatic.

As Sal entertains her grandparents with Phoebe's outrageous story, her own story begins to unfold--the story of a thirteen-year-old girl whose only wish is to be reunited with her missing mother.

In her own award-winning style, Sharon Creech intricately weaves together two tales, one funny, one bittersweet, to create a heartwarming, compelling, and utterly moving story of love, loss, and the complexity of human emotion.


Sharon Creech is the Newbery Medal-winning author of Walk Two Moons. Her other novels include The Wanderer, a Newbery Honor Book, Bloomability, Absolutely Normal Chaos, Chasing Redbird, and Pleasing The Ghost. She has also written two picture books, A Fine, Fine School and Fishing In The Air. After spending eighteen years teaching and writing in Europe, Sharon Creech and her husband have returned to the United States to live.



Thirteen-year-old Sal Hiddle can't deal with all the upheaval in her life. Her mother, Sugar, is in Idaho, and although Sugar promised to return before the tulips bloomed, she hasn't come back. Instead, Mr. Hiddle has moved Sal from the farm she loves so much and has even taken up company with the unpleasantly named Mrs. Cadaver. Multilayered, the book tells the story of Sal's trip to Idaho with her grandparents; and as the car clatters along, Sal tells her grandparents the story of her friend Phoebe, who receives messages from a "lunatic" and who must cope with the disappearance of her mother. The novel is ambitious and successful on many fronts: the characters, even the adults, are fully realized; the story certainly keeps readers' interest; and the pacing is good throughout. But Creech's surprises--that Phoebe's mother has an illegitimate son and that Sugar is buried in Idaho, where she died after a bus accident--are obvious in the first case and contrived in the second. Sal knows her mother is dead; that Creech makes readers think otherwise seems a cheat, though one, it must be admitted, that may bother adults more than kids. Still, when Sal's on the road with her grandparents, spinning Phoebe's yarn and trying to untangle her own, this story sings.
--Ilene Cooper

"The book is packed with humor and affection and is an odyssey of unexpected twists and surprising conclusions."
-- 1995 Newbery Award Selection Committee.


Chapter One
A Face at the Window
Gramps says that I am a country girl at heart, and that is true. I have lived most of my thirteen years in Bybanks, Kentucky, which is not much more than a caboodle of houses roosting in a green spot alongside the Ohio River. just over a year ago, my father plucked me up like a weed and took me and all our belongings (no, that is not true--he did not bring the chestnut tree, the willow, the maple, the hayloft, or the swimming hole, which all belonged to me) and we drove three hundred miles straight north and stopped in front of a house in Euclid, Ohio.
"No trees?" I said. "This is where we're going to live?"
"No," my father said. "This is Margaret's house."
The front door of the house opened and a lady with wild red hair stood there. I looked up and down the street. The houses were all jammed together like a row of birdhouses. In front of each house was a tiny square of grass, and in front of that was a thin gray sidewalk running alongside a gray road.
"Where's the barn?" I asked. "The river? The swimming hole?"
"Oh, Sal," my father said. "Come on. There's Margaret." He waved to the lady at the door.
"We have to go back. I forgot something."
The lady with the wild red hair opened the door and came out onto the porch.
"In the back of my closet," I said, under the floorboards. I put something there, and I've got to have it."
"Don't be a goose. Come and see Margaret."
I did not want to see Margaret. I stood there, looking around, and that's when I saw the face pressed up against an upstairs window next door. It was a round girl's face, and it looked afraid. I didn't know it then, but that face belonged to Phoebe Winterbottom, a girl who had a powerful imagination, who would become my friend, and who would have many peculiar things happen to her.
Not long ago, when I was locked in a car with my grandparents for six days, I told them the story of Phoebe, and when I finished telling them--or maybe even as I was telling them--I realized that the story of Phoebe was like the plaster wall in our old house in Bybanks, Kentucky.
My father started chipping away at a plaster wall in the living room of our house in Bybanks shortly after my mother left us one April morning. Our house was an old farmhouse that my parents had been restoring, room by room. Each night as he waited to hear from my mother, he chipped away at that wall.
On the night that we got the bad news--that she was not returning--he pounded and pounded, on that wall with a chisel and a hammer. At two o'clock in the morning, he came up to my room. I was not asleep. He led me downstairs and showed me what he had found. Hidden behind the wall was a brick fireplace.
The reason that Phoebe's story reminds me of that plaster wall and the hidden fireplace is that beneath Phoebe's story was another one. Mine.


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孩子学英语,不是在学一种道理,也不必长期参加培训班,而是生活在英语的生活里。换句话说,家长、老师要尽量帮助孩子,养成天天用英语的习惯。 我见到很多孩子,很喜欢看书,只不过原版书是英文写的,孩子暂时还不能“心领神会”,所以孩子就不爱看。我见到有的家长给 10 岁左右的孩子买过几本简单的原版书,但是孩子没看几天就不看了,因为阅读很吃力。孩子阅读吃力的时候,最需要的是帮助,而不是眼睁睁看着孩子就这么放弃。障碍不解决,就永远是障碍。况且,孩子是能把这本书读下去的。我们可以参考香港小学一些好的教法。 香港特别重视小学英语课外活动。10 年前,香港第一任行政长官董建华先生,在 2001 年《政府施政报告》第5部分,向市民承诺“从 2002 年开始,政府将采取措施,加强小学的英语教学”。怎么加强呢?有一种做法,就是督促学校在课外开展广泛的英语阅读活动。香港教育当局很重视推广阅读风气,他们下发给小学的指导文件里,反复提到:“英语阅读能力,是孩子终身必备的学习能力。” 香港一些小学,每天放学之后,有一个小时英语阅读活动,他们称之为 reading workshop ,有点类似咱们的托管班,放学后的孩子,聚在老师身边读英语书。在香港著名的圣保罗学校附属小学,有一位老师,给2年级孩子分别用英语和粤语,讲读 Charlotte's Web,老师带着学生从头讲到尾,一边讲,一边让学生用荧光笔在原版书上作记号。 这位老师不给孩子讲语法术语,也没必要给孩子讲语法术语。这位老师利用荧光笔,利用孩子天生对色彩的敏感,把重要的英语结构,自然而然印在孩子心里,让孩子不知不觉,学到很多东西。 老师把整整一本书,给孩子认认真真讲一遍,从头到尾,没有一句遗漏,这很关键。如果老师只是简单串讲一个故事梗概,意义就不大了。我们有的孩子看英语书,就有一点走马观花,碰到文字稍微困难的地方,就跳过去不看了;还有的孩子看英语,碰到不懂的地方,就直接去看中文翻译,这实际上是在读故事,英语的提高很有限。 老师给孩子讲读原版书,不是为了讲故事。老师的教学意图,是让孩子以后能够独立阅读;是让孩子掌握阅读策略,提高阅读速度;是借用各种色彩,帮孩子熟悉英文语法;是以附带习得的方式,扩大孩子的单词量...... 香港很多 10 岁的小学生,每天自己看原版书,并非孩子聪明过人,而是老师已经带着孩子们认认真真读过几本原版书了,经过细水长流的教学铺垫,孩子的英语才能飞跃。 学英语,不能断断续续,孩子需要天天沉潜在英语里。我举台湾地区的例子,近些年台湾教育当局强调英语学习与国际接轨,台湾一些重点小学,开家长会的时候,英语老师会给家长推荐一份原版书的书单,并对家长说:“英语学习与国际接轨不是一句口号,而是具体的生活方式,让孩子每天睡觉前,读半小时原版书。” 让英文原版书,成为孩子的好朋友。有阅读原版书习惯的孩子,学英语所收获的,不是一朵小花,而是一个春天。







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