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Trick or treat! Amelia Bedelia wants to help prepare for the big Halloween party, but how can she follow directions when nothing is as it seems?
Herman Parish was in the fourth grade when his aunt, Peggy Parish, wrote the first book about Amelia Bedelia. Since then, the lovable housekeeper has become a favorite household character for readers young and old. After Peggy Parish died in 1988, her nephew continued Amelia Bedelia's exploits in Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia; Bravo, Amelia Bedelia!; Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor; Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia; Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm; Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia; Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist?; Amelia Bedelia Under Construction; and Amelia Bedelia's Masterpiece.
"The literal maid returns, treating readers to more mishaps and misadventures. It is autumn, and the Rogerses have decorated for Halloween. When Amelia Bedelia arrives for work, she thinks that someone has vandalized the house. Once she learns that the family is having a party, she gets into the swing of things by cracking (breaking) a window and adding leaves to the dining-room table. As darkness falls, the festivities begin. After partaking of the gruesome refreshments, the costume contest is held, but no one can find Amelia Bedelia. Finally, it's revealed that she's been there all along–dressed as a scarecrow. Sweat's amusing watercolor-and-pen illustrations add to the zaniness of the story. Funny signs abound, from the tombstones on the lawn to the descriptions of the gruesome goodies. The costumes that Amelia Bedelia creates for the children are amusing and easy to duplicate. The illustrations extend the wordplay and help beginning readers understand the story. This reader is excellent for children ready for the challenge of learning the difference in meaning between such words as "which" and "witch," visually and semantically. A happy haunting with Amelia Bedelia where the laughs outweigh the screams."
--Linda Staskus, Cuyahoga County Public Library, Parma, OH
Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)萬聖節快樂,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)萬聖節快樂,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
第9冊 《羽蛇神的黃金眼》
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喜歡I can read 係列,京東價格不錯
Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)萬聖節快樂,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025