Merlin Mission Books 1–25 of the #1 New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House series boxed together for the first time ever! ?
Magic Tree House Merlin Missions are more challenging adventures for the experienced Magic Tree House reader. In each adventure, Merlin the magician sends Jack and Annie on an adventure in the magic tree house.
Books in this Merlin Missions set include:
Christmas in Camelot (#1),
Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve (#2),
Summer of the Sea Serpent (#3),
Winter of the Ice Wizard (#4),
Carnival at Candlelight (#5),
Season of the Sandstorm (#6),
Night of the New Magicians (#7),
Blizzard of the Blue Moon (#8),
Dragon of the Red Dawn (#9),
Monday with a Mad Genius (#10),
Dark Day in the Deep Sea (#11),
Eve of the Emperor Penguin (#12),
Moonlight on the Magic Flute (#13),
A Good Night for Ghosts (#14),
Leprechaun in Late Winter (#15),
A Ghost Tale for Christmas (#16),
A Crazy Day with Cobras (#17),
Dogs in the Dead of Night (#18),
Abe Lincoln at Last (#19),
A Perfect Time for Pandas (#20),
Stallion by Starlight (#21),
Hurry Up, Houdini! (#22),
High Time for Heroes (#23),
Soccer on Sunday (#24), and
Shadow of the Shark (#25).
Magic Tree House books, with fiction and nonfiction titles, are perfect for parents and teachers using the Core Curriculum. With a blend of magic, adventure, history, science, danger, and cuteness, the topics range from kid pleasers (pirates, the
Titanic, pandas) to curriculum perfect (rain forest, American Revolution, Abraham Lincoln) to seasonal shoo-ins (Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving). There is truly something for everyone here!
Have more fun with Jack and Annie on the Magic Tree House website at MagicTreeHouse.com!
MARY POPE OSBORNE is the author of the
New York Times number one bestselling Magic Tree House series as well as co-author of the Magic Tree House Fact Tracker series, along with her husband, Will, and her sister, Natalie Pope Boyce.
SAL MURDOCCA has illustrated over 200 children’s books and textbooks. He teaches children’s illustration at Parsons School of Design in New York City.
For more information, visit the Magic Tree House? website at MagicTreeHouse.com!,,
Magic Tree House Merlin Missions #1-25 Boxed Set [平裝] [07--10] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Magic Tree House Merlin Missions #1-25 Boxed Set [平裝] [07--10] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
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