Let your baby discover colors and shapes with touch and feel textures that they can stroke, tickle, and touch. Baby Touch and Feel: Colors is the perfect book to encourage tiny fingers to explore and to help develop fine motor skills while building an early learning foundation with clearly labeled pictures.
With padded covers, simple images, and an amazing range of novelty textures, Baby Touch and Feel books capture the attention of the very youngest children and create an experience they'll want to repeat again and again.
Baby Touch and Feel books are the perfect series for the very youngest readers. These small, padded books excite babies and toddlers with their foil and touch-and-feel covers. Each book in this affordable series contains twelve vibrant interior pages with bold, engaging images. Containing large word labels, each page has foil or glitter to behold or a tantalizing texture to touch. These safe novelty textures immediately intrigue babies and are perfect for little fingers to feel. The Baby Touch and Feel series encourages sensory development, language skills, and early reading skills while teaching colors, shapes, patterns, and opposites.
Baby Touch and Feel: Colors [1-3歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
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Baby Touch and Feel: Colors [1-3歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025