
多傳感器編隊目標跟蹤技術 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

王海鵬 著


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第1章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 國內外研究現狀 2
1.2.1 航跡起始 2
1.2.2 航跡維持 3
1.2.3 機動跟蹤 3
1.3 多傳感器編隊目標跟蹤技術中有待解決的一些關鍵問題 4
1.3.1 雜波環境下編隊目標航跡起始技術 4
1.3.2 復雜環境下集中式多傳感器編隊目標跟蹤技術 5
1.3.3 集中式多傳感器機動編隊目標跟蹤技術 5
1.3.4 係統誤差下編隊目標航跡關聯技術 6
1.4 本書的主要內容及安排 7
第2章 編隊目標航跡起始算法 8
2.1 引言 8
2.2 基於相對位置矢量的編隊目標灰色航跡起始算法 8
2.2.1 基於循環閾值模型的編隊預分割 10
2.2.2 基於編隊中心點的預互聯 11
2.2.3 RPV-FTGTI 算法 12
2.2.4 編隊內目標航跡的確認 18
2.2.5 編隊目標狀態矩陣的建立 19
2.2.6 仿真比較與分析 20
2.2.7 討論 34
2.3 集中式多傳感器編隊目標灰色航跡起始算法 35
2.3.1 多傳感器編隊目標航跡起始框架 35
2.3.2 多傳感器預互聯編隊內雜波的剔除 36
2.3.3 多傳感器編隊內量測閤並模型 37
2.3.4 航跡得分模型的建立 38
2.4 基於運動狀態的集中式多傳感器編隊目標航跡起始算法40
2.4.1 同狀態航跡子編隊獲取模型 40
2.4.2 多傳感器同狀態編隊關聯模型 45
2.4.3 編隊內航跡精確關聯閤並模型 45
2.5 仿真比較與分析 46
2.5.1 仿真環境 47
2.5.2 仿真結果及分析 47
2.6 本章小結 54
第3章 復雜背景下集中式多傳感器編隊目標跟蹤算法 56
3.1 引言 56
3.2 係統描述 56
3.3 雲雨雜波和帶狀乾擾剔除模型 57
3.3.1 雲雨雜波剔除模型 58
3.3.2 帶狀乾擾剔除模型 60
3.3.3 驗證分析 61
3.4 基於模闆匹配的集中式多傳感器編隊目標跟蹤算法 63
3.4.1 基於編隊整體的預互聯 63
3.4.2 模闆匹配模型的建立 65
3.4.3 編隊內航跡的狀態更新 69
3.4.4 討論 69
3.5 基於形狀方位描述符的集中式多傳感器編隊目標粒子濾波算法 69
3.5.1 編隊目標形狀矢量的建立 70
3.5.2 相似度模型的建立 72
3.5.3 冗餘圖像的剔除 74
3.5.4 基於粒子濾波的狀態更新 74
3.6 仿真比較與分析 75
3.6.1 仿真環境 75
3.6.2 仿真結果 76
3.6.3 仿真分析 78
3.7 本章小結 79
第4章 集中式多傳感器機動編隊目標跟蹤算法 81
4.1 引言 81
4.2 典型機動編隊目標跟蹤模型的建立 82
目 錄
4.2.1 編隊整體機動跟蹤模型的建立 82
4.2.2 編隊分裂跟蹤模型的建立 85
4.2.3 編隊閤並跟蹤模型的建立 87
4.2.4 編隊分散跟蹤模型的建立 89
4.3 變結構JPDA機動編隊目標跟蹤算法 91
4.3.1 事件的定義 92
4.3.2 編隊確認矩陣的建立 93
4.3.3 編隊互聯矩陣的建立 93
4.3.4 編隊確認矩陣的拆分 95
4.3.5 概率的計算 97
4.3.6 編隊內航跡的狀態更新 100
4.4 擴展廣義S-維分配機動編隊目標跟蹤算法 101
4.4.1 基本模型的建立 102
4.4.2 編隊量測的劃分 103
4.4.3 3-維分配問題的構造 106
4.4.4 廣義S-維分配問題的構造 107
4.4.5 編隊內航跡的狀態更新 107
4.5 仿真比較與分析 108
4.5.1 仿真環境 108
4.5.2 仿真結果 110
4.5.3 仿真分析 113
4.6 本章小結 114
第5章 係統誤差下編隊目標航跡關聯算法 116
5.1 引言 116
5.2 係統誤差下基於雙重模糊拓撲的編隊目標航跡關聯算法 116
5.2.1 基於循環閾值模型的編隊航跡識彆 117
5.2.2 第一重模糊拓撲關聯模型 118
5.2.3 第二重模糊拓撲關聯模型 123
5.3 係統誤差下基於誤差補償的編隊目標航跡關聯算法 125
5.3.1 編隊航跡狀態識彆模型 125
5.3.2 編隊航跡係統誤差估計模型 127
5.3.3 誤差補償和編隊內航跡的精確關聯 130
5.3.4 討論 130
5.4 仿真比較與分析 131
5.4.1 仿真環境 131
5.4.2 仿真結果及分析 132
5.5 本章小結 134
第6章 結論及展望 135
附錄A 式(2-17)中閾值參數ε 的推導 140
附錄B 式(5-19)的推導 144
參考文獻 148
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Research 1
1.2 Internal and Oversea Research Actualities 2
1.2.1 Track Initiation 2
1.2.2 Track Maintenance 3
1.2.3 Maneuvering Tracking 3
1.3 The Key Problem to Be Resolved in Multi-sensor Formation Targets
Tracking Technique 4
1.3.1 Formation Targets Track Initiation Technique with Clutter 4
1.3.2 Centralized Multi-sensor Formation Targets Tracking Technique
with the Complicated Background 5
1.3.3 Centralized Multi-sensor Maneuvering Formation Targets Tracking
Technique 5
1.3.4 Track Correlation Technique of the Formation Targets with
Systematic Errors 6
1.4 Main Content and Arragement of Dissertation 7
Chapter 2 Formation Targets Track Initiation Algorithm 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Formation Targets Gray Track Initiation Algorithm Based on Relative
Position Vector 8
2.2.1 Preparative Division of the Formation Targets Based on the
Circulatory Threshold Model 10
2.2.2 Preparative Association Based on the Formation Center 11
2.2.3 RPV-FTGTI Algorithm 12
2.2.4 Validation of the Tracks in the Formation 18
2.2.5 Establishment of the Formation Target State Matrix 19
2.2.6 Simulation Comparision and Analysis 20
2.2.7 Discussion 34
2.3 Centralized Multi-sensor Formation Targets Gray Track Initiation
Algorithm 35
2.3.1 Multi-sensor Formation Targets Track Initiation Frame 35
2.3.2 Multi-sensor Clutter Deletion in Preparative Associated
Formations 36
2.3.3 Multi-sensor Measurement Mergence Model in the Formation 37
2.3.4 Establishment of the Track Score Model 38
2.4 Centralized Multi-sensor Formation Targets Track Initiation Algorithm
Based on Moving State 40
2.4.1 Same-state Track SubFormation Obtainment Model 40
2.4.2 Multi-sensor Same-state Formation Association Model 45
2.4.3 Accurate Association and Mergence Model of the Formation
Tracks 45
2.5 Simulation Comparision and Analysis 46
2.5.1 Simulation Envirenment 47
2.5.2 Simulation Results and Analysis 47
2.6 Summary 54
Chapter 3 Centralized Multi-sensor Formation Targets Tracking Algorithm with the
Complicated Background 56
3.1 Introduction 56
3.2 System Description 56
3.3 Deletion Models of the Cloud-rain Clutter and the Narrow-Band
Interference 57
3.3.1 Cloud-rain Clutter Deletion Model 58
3.3.2 Narrow-Band Interference Deletion Model 60
3.3.3 Validation and Analysis 61
3.4 Centralized Multi-sensor Formation Targets Tracking Algorithm Based on
Template Matching 63
3.4.1 Preparative Association Based on the Whole Formation 63
3.4.2 Establishment of the Template Matching Model 65
3.4.3 State Update of the Tracks in the Formation 69
3.4.4 Discussion 69
3.5 Centralized Multi-sensor Formation Targets Particle Filter Based on Shape
and Azimuth Descriptor 69
3.5.1 Establishment of the Formation Targets Shape Vector 70
3.5.2 Establishment of the Resemble Model 72
3.5.3 Deletion of the Redundant Picture 74
3.5.4 State Update Based on Particle Filter 74
3.6 Simulation Comparision and Analysis 75
3.6.1 Simulation Envirenment 75
3.6.2 Simulation Results 76
3.6.3 Simulation Analysis 78
3.7 Summary 79
Chapter 4 Centralized Multi-sensor Maneuvering Formation Targets Tracking
Algorithm 81
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Establishment of Typical Maneuvering Formation Targets Tracking
Models 82
4.2.1 Establishment of the Formation Whole Maneuver Tracking
Model 82
4.2.2 Establishment of the Formation Splitting Tracking Model 85
4.2.3 Establishment of the Formation merging Tracking Model 87
4.2.4 Establishment of the Formation dispersing Tracking Model 89
4.3 Maneuvering Formation Targets Tracking Algorithm Based on Different
Structure JPDA Technique 91
4.3.1 Event Definition 92
4.3.2 Establishment of the Formation Validation Matrix 93
4.3.3 Establishment of the Formation Association Matrix 93
4.3.4 Splitting of the Formation Validation Matrix 95
4.3.5 Calculation of the Probability 97
4.3.6 State Update of the Tracks in the Formation 100
4.4 Maneuvering Formation Targets Tracking Algorithm Based on Patulous
Generalized S-D Assignment Technique 101
4.4.1 Establishment of the Basic Model 102
4.4.2 Partition of the Measurements of the Formation Targets 103
4.4.3 Conformation of 3-D Assignment Problem 106
4.4.4 Conformation of Generalized S-D Assignment Problem 107
4.4.5 State Update of the Tracks in the Formation 107
4.5 Simulation Comparision and Analysis 108
4.5.1 Simulation Envirenment 108
4.5.2 Simulation Results 110
4.5.3 Simulation Analysis 113
4.6 Summary 114
Chapter 5 Formation Targets Track Correlation Algorithm with Systematic
Errors 116
5.1 Introduction 116
5.2 Formation Targets Track Correlation Algorithm with Systematic Errors
Based on Double Fussy Topology 116
5.2.1 Formation Tracks Identification Based on Circulatory Threshold
Model 117
5.2.2 The First Scale Fussy Topology Model 118
5.2.3 The Second Scale Fussy Topology Model 123
5.3 Formation Targets Track Correlation Algorithm with Systematic Errors
Based on Error Compensation 125
5.3.1 Formation Track State Identification Model 125
5.3.2 Formation Track Systematic Error Estimation Model 127
5.3.3 Error Compensation and Formation Track Accurate
Correlation 130
5.3.4 Discussion 130
5.4 Simulation Comparision and Analysis 131
5.4.1 Simulation Envirenment 131
5.4.2 Simulation Results and Analysis 132
5.5 Summary 134
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Prospects 135
Appendix A Illation of the Threshold Parameter ε in Formula (2-17) 140
Appendix B Illation of Formula (5-19) 144
References 148


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