
基於Proteus的數字電路分析與設計 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

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齣版社: 西安電子科技大學齣版社
叢書名: 高等學校應用型本科“十三五”規劃教材






第1章 數字係統的概念(Concept of Digital System)
1.0 概述(Introduction)
1.1 數字量和模擬量(Digital Quantity and Analog Quantity)
1.1.1 模擬量和模擬電信號(Analog Quantity and Analog Signal)
1.1.2 數字量和數字電信號(Digital Quantity and Digital Signal)
1.2 二進製數、邏輯電平和數字波形(Binary Numbers,Logic Levels and Digital Waveforms)
1.2.1 二進製數(Binary Numbers)
1.2.2 邏輯電平(Logic Levels)
1.2.3 數字波形(Digital Waveforms)
1.3 數據傳輸(Data Transmission)
1.4 基本邏輯運算(Basic Logic Operation)
1.5 基本邏輯功能(Basic Logic Function)
1.5.1 比較功能(Comparison Function)
1.5.2 算術功能(Arithmetic Function)
1.6 數字集成電路(Digital Integrated Circuit)
1.6.1 集成芯片封裝(IC Package)
1.6.2 管腳序號(Pin Numbering)
1.6.3 集成電路分類(Integrated Circuit Classification)
1.6.4 集成電路技術(Integrated Circuit Technology)

第2章 數製與碼製(The Numeration System and Code System)
2.0 概述(Introduction)
2.1 十進製數(Decimal Numbers)
2.2 二進製數(Binary Numbers)
2.2.1 二進製的錶示方式(Binary Representations)
2.2.2 二進製的優點(Advantages of Binary)
2.2.3 二進製的波形圖(Binary Waveform)
2.3 十進製一二進製轉換(Decimal to Binary Conversion)
2.3.1 整數部分(Integral Part)
2.3.2 小數部分(Decimal Part)
2.4 十進製算術運算(Binary Arithmetic Operation)
2.4.1 二進製加法(Binary Addition)
2.4.2 二進製減法(Binary Subtraction)
2.4.3 二進製乘法和除法(Binary Multiplication and Division)
2.5 二進製數的反碼和補碼(One's Complement and Two's Complement of Binary Numbers)
2.5.1 有符號數(Signed Numbers)
2.5.2 反碼和補碼(One's Complement and Two's Complement)
2.5.3 補碼的運算(Operation of Two's Complement)
2.5.4 溢齣(Overflow)
2.6 八進製數(Octal Numbers)
2.6.1 八進製數的錶示方法(Representation of Octal Numbers)
2.6.2 八進製數與二進製數、十進製數之間的轉換(Conversion of Octal Numbers into Binary Numbers&Conversion; of 0ctal Numbers into Decimal Numbers)
2.7 十六進製數(Hexadecimal Numbers)
2.7.1 十六進製數的錶示方法(Representation of Hexadecimal Numbers)
2.7.2 十六進製數與二進製數、十進製數之間的轉換(Conversion of Hexadecimal Numbers into Binary Numbers&Conversion; of Hexadecimal Numbers into Decimal Numbers)
2.8 BCD碼(Binary-Coded Decimal)
2.9 格雷碼和ASCII碼(Gray Code and ASCII Code)
2.9.1 格雷碼(Gray Code)
2.9.2 ASCII碼(ASCII Code)

第3章 門電路(Gate Circuit)
3.0 概述(Introduction)
3.1 三極管的基本開關電路(Basic Switching Circuit of Triode)
3.1.1 雙極型三極管的基本開關電路(Basic Switching Circuit of BJT)
3.1.2 MOSFET基本開關電路(MOSFET Basic Switching Circuit)
3.1.3 TTL和CMOS的邏輯電平標準(Standard of TTL&CMOS; Logic Levels)
3.2 TTL門電路的工作原理(Working Principle of TTL Gate Circuit)
3.2.1 TTL反相器(TTL Inverter)
3.2.2 TTL與非門(TTL AND-NOT Gate)
3.2.3 其它TTL門電路(Other TTL Gate Circuits)
3.3 CMOS門電路(CMOS Gate Circuit)
3.3.1 CMOS基本邏輯門電路(CMOS Basic Logic Gate Circuit)
3.3.2 帶緩衝器的CMOS門電路(CMoS Gate Circuit with Buffer)
3.4 其它功能門電路(Gate Circuits of Other Functions)
3.4.1 CMOS傳輸門(CMOS Transmission Gate)
3.4.2 三態門(Three-state Gate)
3.4.3 集電極開路門(Open Collector Gate)
3.5 數字集成芯片實用常識(Practical Common Sense of Digital Integrated Chip)
3.5.1 數字集成芯片分類及命名(Classification and Nomenclature of Digital Integrated Chip)
3.5.2 數字集成芯片管腳的處理(Processing of Digital Integrated Chip Pin)

第4章 組閤邏輯代數(Combined Logic Algebra)
4.0 概述(Introduction)
4.1 布爾運算的定律和法則(Laws and Rules of Boolean Operation)
4.1.1 基本公式(Basic Formulas)
4.1.2 常用公式(Common Formulas)
4.1.3 邏輯代數的基本定理(Fundamental Theorem of Logical Algebra)
4.2 邏輯函數及其錶示方法(Logic Function&It;'s Representation)
4.2.1 邏輯函數(Logic Function)
4.2.2 邏輯函數的錶示方法(Representation of Logic Function)
4.2.3 邏輯函數形式的轉換(Conversion of Logic Function Forms)
4.2.4 標準與或式和標準或與式(Standard AND-OR Form&Standard; OR-AND Form)
4.2.5 邏輯函數形式的變換(Variation of Logic Function Forms)
4.3 邏輯函數的化簡方法(Approaches of Logic Function Simplification)
4.3.1 公式法化簡(Simplifying Logic Algebra through Laws and Rules)
4.3.2 卡諾圖法化簡(Simplifying Logic Algebra through Karnaugh Maps)
4.4 具有約束的邏輯函數的化簡(Simplification of Logic Function with Constraint)
4.4.1 約束項和約束條件(Constraint Term and Constraint Condition)
4.4.2 具有約束的邏輯函數的公式法化簡(Simplification of Logic Function with Constraints through Laws and Rules)
4.4.3 具有約束的邏輯函數的卡諾圖法化簡(Simplification of Logic Function with Constraints through Karnaugh Maps)

第5章 組閤邏輯電路分析與設計(Analysis and Design of Combinational Logic Circuit)
5.0 概述(Introduction)
5.1 組閤邏輯電路的分析和設計方法(Analysis and Design Method of Combinational Logic Circuit)
5.1.1 組閤邏輯電路的分析方法(Analysis Method of Combinational Logic Circuit)
5.1.2 組閤邏輯電路的設計方法(Design Method of ComBinational Logic Circuit)
5.2 常用組閤邏輯集成芯片(Common Combinational Logic Integrated Chip)
5.2.1 編碼器(Encoder)
5.2.2 譯碼器(Decoder)
5.2.3 數據分配器(Demultiplexer)
5.2.4 數據選擇器(Multiplexer)
5.2.5 加法器(Adder)
5.2.6 全減器(Full Subtractor)
5.2.7 數據比較器(Data Comparator)
5.3 組閤邏輯電路中的競爭和冒險(Competition and Adventure in Combinationa Logical Circuit)
5.3.1 産生競爭和冒險的原因(Causes of Competition and Adventure)
5.3.2 消除競爭和冒險的方法(Methods of Clearing Competition and Adventure)
5.4 總結(Summary)

第6章 鎖存器和觸發器(Latchs and Flip-Flops)
6.0 概述(Introduction)
6.1 SR鎖存器(SR Latch)
6.1.1 低電平輸入有效的SR鎖存器(SR Latch with Low Active Input Level)
6.1.2 高電平輸入有效的SR鎖存器(SR Latch with High Active Input Level)
6.1.3 SR鎖存器的應用(Application of SR Latch)
6.2 觸發器(Flip-Flops)
6.2.1 電平觸發的觸發器(Level Triggered Flip-Flops)
6.2.2 脈衝觸發的觸發器(Pulse Triggered Flip-Flops)
6.2.3 邊沿觸發的觸發器(Edge Triggered Flip-Flops)
6.2.4 觸發器功能匯總(Function Summary of Flip-Flops)
6.3 總結(Summary)

第7章 時序邏輯電路的分析與設計(Analysis and Design of Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.0 概述(Introduction)
7.1 時序邏輯電路的分析方法(Analysis Methods of Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.1.1 同步時序邏輯電路的分析方法(Analysis Methods of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.1.2 異步時序邏輯電路的分析方法(Analysis Methods of Asynchronous Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.2 計數器(Counters)
7.2.1 異步計數器(Asynchronous Counter)
7.2.2 同步計數器(Synchronous Counter)
7.2.3 an/減計數器(Up/Down Counter)
7.2.4 任意進製計數器的集成芯片連接(Connection of Module-N Counter with Integrated Chip)
7.3 寄存器和移位寄存器(Register and Shift Register)
7.3.1 寄存器(Register)
7.3.2 移位寄存器(Shift Register)
7.4 環形計數器和扭環形計數器(Ring Counter and Twisted-Ring Counter)
7.4.1 環形計數器(Ring Counter)
7.4.2 扭環形計數器(Twisted-Ring Counter)
7.5 時序邏輯電路的設計方法(Design Methods of Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.5.1 順序脈衝發生器的設計(Design of Sequence Pulse Generator)
7.5.2 序列信號發生器的設計(Design of Sequence Signal Generator)
7.5.3 同步時序邏輯電路的設計方法(Design Methods of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.5.4 異步時序邏輯電路的設計方法(Design Methods of Asynchronous Sequential Logic Circuit)
7.6 總結(Summary)

第8章 脈衝波形發生器(Pulse Waveform Generator)
8.0 概述(Introduction)
8.1 施密特觸發器(Schmitt Trigger)
8.1.1 門電路組成的施密特觸發器(Schmitt Trigger with Gate Circuit)
8.1.2 CMOS集成施密特觸發器(Integrated Schmitt Trigger with CMOS)
8.1.3 施密特觸發器的應用(Application of Schmitt Trigger)
8.2 555定時器(555 Timer)
8.2.1 555定時器的工作原理(Working Principle of 555 Timer)
8.2.2 用555定時器構成的多諧振蕩器(Multi-Vibrator with 555 Timer)
8.2.3 用555定時器構成的單穩態觸發器(Mono-Stable Stable Trigger with 555 Tliner)
8.2.4 用555定時器構成的施密特觸發器(Schmitt Trigger with of 555 Timer)
8.3 集成單穩態觸發器(Integrated Mono-Stable Trigger)
8.3.1 用CMOS門電路組成的微分型單穩態觸發器(Differential Mono-Stable Trigger Composed of CMOS Gate Circuit)
8.3.2 集成單穩態觸發器(Integrated Mono-Stable Multi-Vibrator)

第9章 模-數和數-模轉換器(Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters)
9.0 概述(Introduction)
9.1 A/D轉換器(Analog to Digital Convertors)
9.1.1 A/D轉換器的基本原理(Basic Principle of A/D Converter)
9.1.2 A/D轉換器精度與轉換速度(Precision and Speed of A/D Converter)
9.2 A/D轉換器的應用與仿真(Application and Simulation of A/D Converter)
9.2.1 八位單極性並行輸齣ADC0808(ADC0808 with Unipolar Voltage Input and Parallel Output of Eight Bits)
9.2.2 雙通道串行輸齣ADC0832(ADC0832 with Dual Channels Input and Serial Output)
9.2.3 雙極性A/D轉換器(A/D Converter with Bipolar Voltage Input)
9.3 D/A轉換器(Digital to Analog Converter)
9.3.1 權電阻網絡D/A轉換器(D/A Converter with Weight Resistance Network)
9.3.2 倒T型電阻網絡D/A轉換器(D/A Converter with Inverted T Type Resistor Network)
9.3.3 權電流型D/A轉換器(D/A Converter with Power Current Mode)
9.3.4 D/A轉換器的轉換精度(Conversion Accuracy of D/A Converter)
9.4 D/A轉換器的應用與仿真(Application and Simulation of D/A Converter)
9.4.1 DAC0832
9.4.2 DAC0808

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