1. 考研英語二完形填空(考研英語知識運用)全部從考研英語二真題同源外刊選材,涵蓋各類考研英語二題材;
2. 考研英語二完形填空練習100篇,嚴格按照考研英語二真題及考研英語二大綱要求命題;
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Part 1 考研英語二完形填空應試指南
第一節 考研英語二完形概述
第二節 考研英語二完形填空3大命題規律
規律1 考查邏輯關係
規律2 考查詞義辨析和上下文語義
規律3 考查慣用搭配
第三節 考研英語二完形填空5大解題技巧
技巧1 利用上下文語義關聯答題
技巧2 藉助關聯詞答題
技巧3 根據搭配關係答題
技巧4 根據排除法答題
技巧5 根據語義復現答題
Part 2 考研英語二完形填空訓練100篇
Passage 1 高中需要提供更多職業培訓嗎?
Passage 2 全球暫停變暖:誰按瞭暫停鍵?
Passage 3 濫用抗生素風險大
Passage 4 是的,紐約聯邦儲備銀行發行漫畫書
Passage 5 快樂多瞭也可能不快樂
Passage 37 多攝入水果和蔬菜能顯著降低患重疾的風險?
Passage 38 化妝品巨頭放棄中國市場
Passage 39 老齡化社會齣現新趨勢
Passage 40 非洲象擁有動物王國中的……
Passage 41 睡不好覺?責怪你的辦公室吧
Passage 42 女性兼職掙得比男性多
Passage 43 人類破壞公海的後果嚴重
Passage 44 被動吸煙也會導緻聽力受損
Passage 45 擺放室內植物可提高日常生活質量
Passage 78 瑜伽之旅
Passage 79 丟失的相機有望失而復得?
Passage 80 大學變革:體論與實踐並重
Passage 81 利用新技術進行營銷
Passage 82 歐盟尋求延長可再生能源目標
Passage 83 無聊對人有益
Passage 84 寂寞是一種社會現象
Passage 85 校園裏無形的種族分界綫
Passage 96 天性論與環境論
Passage 97 追求幸福與如何生活
Passage 98 公共交通運輸的發展加速城市蔓延
Passage 99 禮貌駕駛
Passage 100 如今年輕人的問題
It’s difficult to imagine a world without antibiotics. They cure diseases that killed our ancestors in crowds, and enable any number of medical procedures and treatments that we now take for granted. Yet in 1945, while accepting a Nobel Prize for 1 penicillin, Alexander Fleming 2 a future in which antibiotics had been used with 3 and bacteria had grown resistant to them. Today, this future is approaching. Speaking to reporters last fall, Tom Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4 a similar alarm: “If we’re not 5 , we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era. In fact, for some patients and some bacteria, we are already there.”
The problem 6 overuse. Recent research by doctors at Harvard and Women’s Hospital found that the vast majority of antibiotics 7 for sore throats and acute bronchitis—an illness almost always caused by a 8 , not bacteria—are useless.
Up to 80 percent of all antibiotics used in theU.S.each year, 9 , are given to animals. Antibiotics are the lifeline of the meat and poultry industries, which have used drugs to domestic animals as a means of 10 growth and preventing illnesses caused by overcrowding and poor conditions.
An increasing number of bacterial 11 have taken the opportunity to evolve 12 the reach of antibiotics. The CDC’s 2013 threat report listed 17 antibiotic-resistant microorganisms that directly cause at least 23,000 deaths each year in theU.S. 13 . Globally, drug-resistant pneumonia is an ever-increasing threat. Reported cases have 14 over the past nine years, killing an estimated 170,000 people last year.
Although anti-bacterial resistance can be slowed, it is 15 . As a result, medicine companies have found antibiotics to be less 16 investments than drugs for chronic illnesses, which can be used over the long term.
If we don’t 17 our use of existing antibiotics and commit to developing new ones, the risks are not just medical, but 18 . The CDC estimates that, in theUnited States, antibiotic resistance already costs $20 billion in 19 health-care spend and $35 billion in lost productivity 20 .
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