第2版 前言(Foreword)
第1版 前言(Foreword)
一、寵物源流(Origin and Development of Pet)
(一)犬的源流(Canine Origin and Development)
(二)貓的起源(Feline Origin and Development)
(三)其他寵物起源(Origin and Development of Other Pet)
二、寵物與人類的和諧關係(Harmonious Relations Between Human and Pet)
(一)人與犬的和諧關係(Harmonious Relation Between Human and Dog)
(二)人與貓的和諧關係(Harmonious Relation Between Human and Cat)
(三)人與其他寵物的和諧關係(Harmonious Relations Between Human andOther Pet)
三、發展寵物事業的現實意義(Immediate Significance for Developing Pet Cause)
四、發展寵物事業注意事項(Points for Attention in Developing Pet Cause)
(一)積極防製人與寵物共患病(Positive Prevent Zoonosis)
(二)嚴格遵守寵物防疫與檢疫製度(Strictly Implement Regulations of Prophylaxis and Quarantine)
(三)加強寵物衛生管理及個人衛生防護(Strengthen Sanitary Manage of Pet and Person Sanitary Protection)
(四)強化保護動物的觀念(Strengthen Sense of Animal Protection)
五、中西結閤獸醫學的由來及其在寵物診療中的應用(Origin and Used for Intergrated Traditional and Western Medicine to Clinic of Pet)
(一)中西結閤獸醫學概念及其由來(Concept and Origin for Intergrated Traditional and Western Medicine)
(二)中西醫結閤在寵物診療中的應用(Applied a Theory of Intergrated Traditional and Western Medicine to Clinic of Pet)
第一篇 犬、貓診療基礎
第一章 犬、貓解剖生理特點(Anatomical and Physiologic Characteristics for the Dog and Cat)
一、犬、貓各部名稱及軸、麵與方位術語(Terms of Parts,Axial,Plane and Direction for the Dog and Cat)
(一)犬、貓各部名稱(Terms of Parts for the DOg and Cat)
(二)犬、貓的軸、麵與方位術語(Terms of Axial,Plane and Direction for the Dog and Cat)
二、被皮(Pilose and Skin)
(二)皮膚衍生物(Derivative of Skin)
三、運動係統(Locomotr System)
四、消化係統(Digestive System)
(一)口腔(0rae Cavity)
(五)小腸(Small Intestine)
(六)大腸(Large Intestine)
五、呼吸係統(Respiratory System)
(一)呼吸道(Respiratory Tract)
六、泌尿係統(Urinary System)
(二)輸尿管、膀胱與尿道(Ureter,Urinary Bladder and Urethra)
七、生殖係統(Reproductive System)
(一)雄性生殖係統(Male Reproductive System)
(二)雌性生殖係統(Female Reproductive System)
八、血液淋巴係統(Hemolymphatic System)
(一)心血管係統(Cardiovascular System)
(二)淋巴係統(Lymphatic System)
九、神經係統、內分泌係統和感覺係統(Neurological System,Endocrine System and Sensory System)
(一)神經係統(Neurological System)
(二)內分泌係統(Endocrine System)
(三)感覺器官(Sensory System)
第二章 犬、貓生物特性及飼養繁育管理特點(Canine and Feline Biologic Property and Characteristic of Feeding Management and Reproduction)
一、犬的生活習性概述(Summary of Canine Life Habit)
(一)犬的思維與情感(Canine Thought and Mood)
(二)犬的嗅覺(Canine Sense of Smell)
(三)犬的聽覺(Canine Audition)
(四)犬的視覺(Canine Vision)
(五)犬的味覺(Canine Flavor)
(六)犬的錶情與情感錶達方式(Canine Expression of Emotion)
(七)犬與人的易交往性(The Kindness between Dog and Human)
(八)犬的領地行為(Canine Territorial Behaviour)
二、犬的飼養管理(Canine Feeding Management)
(一)人與犬需要的營養對比(The Nutritional Needs Contrast between Human and Dog)
(二)犬的營養需要(Canine NutritionaI Needs)
(三)犬的飼糧來源(Canine Food Resource)
(四)犬的日糧標準與飼糧配製(Canine Dlet Standard and Feed Preparation)
(五)不同年齡犬每天飼喂的最適次數(The Optimal Feeding Times to Canine Different Age)
(六)飼養管理犬的主要用具(The Main Tools of Canine Feeding Management)
(七)犬飼養的基本原則(The Basic Principle of Canine Feeding)
(八)不同季節犬的飼養管理(Canine Feeding Management of Different Season)
(九)不同犬的飼養管理(The Different Feeding Management for Many Dog)
三、犬的選擇和繁育(Canine Selection and Reproduction)
(一)犬的選擇(Canine Selection)
(二)犬的選種繁育(Canine Reproduction)
四、犬的人工授精技術(Canine Artificial Insemination)
(一)采精(Semen Collection)
(二)精液品質檢查(Quality Examination of Semen)
(三)精液保存(Semen Preservation)
(四)授精方法(Insemination Method)
五、犬的胚胎移植技術(Canine Embryo Transplantation)
六、犬的訓練(Canine training)
(一)訓練犬的主要手段(The Main Method of Training Dog)
(二)如何培養犬對主人的依戀性(How to Train Dog to Depend on Master)
(三)如何訓練犬在固定地點大小便(How to Train the Dog Urination and Defecation in Fixed Place)
(四)如何進行犬的招之即來訓練(How to Train the Dog to Come as soon as Called)
(五)如何訓練犬與主人隨行(How to Train the Dog to Follow Master)
(六)如何訓練犬坐下(How to Train the Dog to Sit Down)
(七)如何訓練犬臥下(How to Train the Dog to Lie Down)
(八)如何訓練犬站立(How to Train the Dog to Stand up)
(九)如何進行犬的上下樓梯訓練(How to Train the Dog Go Up or Down Stairs)
(十)如何訓練犬不啃咬物品(How to Train the Dog Not to Bite Stuffs)
(十一)如何訓練犬銜取物品(How to Train the Dog to Fetch Stuffs)
(十二)如何訓練犬拒食他人投喂的食物(How to Train the Dog to Refuse Food Given by Other People
七、常見犬種的品種特徵及其易患疾病(Common the Dog and Its Breed Character and Its Several Diseases Easily To get)
(一)西施犬(Shih Tzu)
(三)拉布拉多犬(Labrador Retriever)
(四)金毛獵犬(Golden Retriever)
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寵物診療金鑒(第2版) [Golden Mirror Of Diagnosisi And Trentment For The Pets] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
寵物診療金鑒(第2版) [Golden Mirror Of Diagnosisi And Trentment For The Pets] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025