o 作者展示瞭論文寫作中的核心要素與成功法則。
o 既從作者的角度介紹瞭內容組織、摘要提煉等方麵的技巧與方法,又從評審人的角度說明瞭如何去正確地審視科技論文,從而發現不足、找齣問題,獲得更大的寫作能力提升。
Ralph Martin 於1983年獲得英國劍橋大學博士學位,現任英國卡迪夫大學教授、可視計算實驗室主任、清華大學客座教授。他是CAD與計算機圖形學領域的著名學者,是“反嚮工程”的主要發明人之一,發錶瞭超過250篇學術論文,參與編寫過10餘本科技著作;也是CAD、CAGD等多個國際級刊物的編委,有著豐富的英文科技論文寫作和編輯經驗。由於對中國計算機領域的學術研究和人纔培養的傑齣貢獻,Martin教授被授予2014年度中華人民共和國友誼奬。
1 Getting Ready
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Content
1.3 Community
1.4 Where to Publish
1.5 Abstract and Paper
1.6 Paper Structure
1.7 Plan
1.8 When to Write
2 Doing the Writing
2.1 Writing Strategy
2.2 The First Draft
2.3 Revision
3 The Paper
6 Submitting Your Paper
6.1 Outlet and Readership
6.2 Reviewing Form
6.3 Checklist
6.4 Format
7 The Editor's Decision
7.1 Acceptance
7.2 Revision
7.3 Rejection
8 Further Reading
Ralph Martin has extensive experience in scienti.c writing and editing, with over 250 scienti.c papers and more than a dozen books to his name. He is also on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Graphical Models, and Computers and Graphics, amongst others. As an editor and reviewer, he has had to read many papers, from the very well written to the impossible-to-understand.
He has been a full professor at Cardi. University, UK, since 2000, and is also a guest professor at several Chinese universities: Tsinghua University, the National University of Defence Technology, and Shandong University. He has collaborated with many Chinese professors and students and has helped to improve their papers for publication in world-leading journals and conferences.
He has given popular talks at various Chinese universities on “How to Write a Scienti.c Paper” and, as a result, was urged to write a book on the topic. This book is the outcome. It expands upon the ideas from those lectures, as well as giving other advice on how to present your research results.
If you are looking for a book on English language vocabu-
I would like to thank Prof. Shimin Hu for encouraging me to write this book, and for pushing me to add further advice and examples to bring it into its present form. I would also like to thank Prof. John Samson, and my wife Xiaoqing Li, for reading drafts of the book and o.ering helpful suggestions.
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