小 说
戏 剧
翻 译
书 信
致胡适 一九二七年二月六日
致胡适 一九二七年三月十五日
致胡适 一九三一年十一月三日
致胡适 一九三一年十一月
致胡适 一九三二年一月一日
致胡适 一九三二年一月一日
致胡适 一九三二年春
致胡适 一九三二年六月十四日
致沈从文 一九三三年十一月中旬
致沈从文 一九三四年二月二十七日
致沈从文 一九三五年十一月下旬
致沈从文 一九三七年十月
致沈从文 一九三七年十一月九日至十日
致沈从文 一九三七年十二月九日
致沈从文 一九三八年春
致张兆和 一九四九年一月三十日
附:张兆和致林徽因、梁思成 一九四九年二月二日
致梁思庄 一九三六年夏
致梁再冰 一九三七年七月
致梁再冰 一九四一年六月
致朱光潜 一九三七年
致费正清、费慰梅 一九三五年八月
致费慰梅 一九三五年九月七日
致费慰梅 一九三五年十月
致费慰梅、费正清 一九三五年十一月至十二月间
致费慰梅、费正清 一九三六年一月四日
致费慰梅、费正清 一九三六年一月二十九日
致费慰梅 一九三六年五月七日
致费慰梅 一九三六年五月二十九日
致费慰梅 一九三六年六月三日
致费慰梅 一九三七年十一月二十四日
致费慰梅、费正清 一九三八年三月二日
致费慰梅、费正清 一九三九年四月十四日
致费慰梅、费正清 一九四○年九月二十日
致费慰梅、费正清 一九四○年十一月
致费慰梅、费正清 一九四一年八月十一日
致费正清 一九四三年六月十八日
致费正清 一九四六年一月
致费慰梅 一九四六年二月二十八日
致费正清 一九四七年二月一日
致费慰梅 一九四七年十一月十日
致费慰梅 一九四七年十月四日
致费慰梅 一九四七年十二月二十日
致费慰梅、费正清 一九四八年十一月八日至十二月八日
致傅斯年 一九四二年十月五日
附:傅斯年致朱家骅 一九四二年四月十八日
致金岳霖 一九四三年十一月下旬
致梁思成 一九五三年三月十二日
致梁思成 一九五三年三月十七日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一二年十二月十九日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一三年(约)
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一三年五月二十九日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一三年七月十三日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一六年四月八日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一六年四月十九日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一六年五月五日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一七年八月八日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一七年八月八日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一七年八月十五日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一七年八月十五日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一八年四月十六日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一八年四月
附:林长民致林徽因 一九一八年五月十九日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九二○年三月三日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九二一年八月二十四日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九二一年八月二十五日
附:林长民致林徽因 一九二一年八月三十一日
附:徐志摩致林徽因 一九三一年七月七日
跋 方晶
Feb, 28th 1946
staying with Chang Shiro to Mar, 2
Dearest Wilma,
...[1]此处有删节。I am at last again in Kunming, of the three things I came here for, one at least has been thoroughly realized, as you know, I came here to have a good opportunity to become well, then I came to see the uniquely glorious lights and colors of this sun-soaked wind-teased and flower-filled city and lastly, and not least , I came not only to see again but to communicate with my old friends, the first two objectives were not yet realized, since I am still as sick as, and even less well than when I was in Chongqing, and have been confined to bed ever since my arrival. But of the last, I do now enjoy more than ever, when I had hoped that I would be able to enjoy, but even the most extravagant hopes I had entertained when I was alone in Lichuang and he compared with the real and over-whelming delightful experience of these days.
It took 11 days to get all sorts of odd information of both the lives progressing along under to special circumstances of Kunming and the lives lived in their inevitable pattern in Li-chuang community straightened out for the convenience of the conversing friends now at last meet and gather here, the old bridge of deep mutual love and understanding set up and expanded in less time than any of us has expected it to take. In two days or so, we know very perfectly where each of us has been emotionally and intellectively.
Views on national political situations, family economics, persons and societies, in and out of wars in general, were freely discussed and none of us has difficulty understanding how each of us come to feel and think that way. Even when the conversations were most ramble, there is always between the several of us that soothing flow of limpid current of mutual confidence and interest, not to say the added new gratification and fresh stimulations which are the result of this sudden coming together at an eventful time.
...[1]此处有删节。Not until this time was I aware of the delights of ancient (say TANG or Sung,)poets who had lacked means to travel suddenly encountered their friends en route to their meager official poets here and there in a little inn, or on the same river in boats, or in a temple with monks as their hosts. How they had poured out their souls to each other in their long talks!
Our age may be different from theirs, but our meeting this time has many similar points, we have all aged greatly, gone through peculiar form of poverty and sicknesses endured long war and poor communications and are now apprehending great national stifles, and a difficult future.
Besides, we meet at a place distanct from our home and where we were compelled to live by circumstances and not by choice, the longing for going back to the place where we spent are happiest times are somewhat like the Tang people for their 长安[1]此处原文系中文。, and Sung people for their 汴京[2]此处原文系中文。, we are torn and shattered, we emerged through various trials with new integrity good ,bad or indifferent; we have not only tasted life, but have been tested by its grimness and hardship; We loose much of our health though none of our faith, we know now certain enjoyment of life and suffering are one.
...[3]此处有删节。How am I to describe it all!!! Everything that is most beautiful standing sentry all around the garden, up in the clear blue sky and down below the cliffs and beyond to where the hills are. ...[4]此处有删节。This is my tenth day in this new house. I have already grown so used to this place that now I have lost the urge to describe to you the variety of furniture, the ingeniousness furnishing in this room, the room is so spacious and the window so large that is has the effect of early Gordon Greig stage design. Even the sun light in the afternoon seemed to have obeyed his instruction by coming through the window in a certain illusive manner with splashes of fraint morning shadows thrown on the ceiling by the swaying branches outside. [5]本部分文字系林徽因对张奚若为她安排居住的唐家花园的描述。
If only Lao-chin and I would invent dialogue to suit, it could have been a part of a masterpiece of a drama. I am sure. But he sat at present at a little round table with his back against the light and myself (hat on as usual), and intent on his writing.
...The height and whatever it is that is so trying to me, made me so short breathed that often I felt like one who had just run for many miles. I had to be ever so much more quiet than when I was down in Sichuan, In order to give myself the rest I need. Since I am not allowed to talk at all, then I manage to have a little more than allowed my ration. This so called “conversation” is often slack and broken and really not doing justice to this setting, but then such is life.
Kunming is still being Kunming, and this garden knows its own charms. The only questions remained be myself which is unfortunately still too cock-eyed in health and spirit. ...[1]此处有删节。I am mostly alone, very quiet and getting a good deal of rest...[2]此处有删节。
All my love to you and J.
林徽因集:小说 戏剧 翻译 书信 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
林徽因集:小说 戏剧 翻译 书信 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
林徽因集:小说 戏剧 翻译 书信 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书民国才女作品,装帧很漂亮,喜欢。。。。。。。。。
林徽因集:小说 戏剧 翻译 书信 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025