书名:Collins Key Concepts in Psychology柯林斯心理学核心概念
作者:Kay Kendall
商品尺寸:14.8 x 1.3 x 21.1 cm
Collins Key Concepts in Psychology is your definitive reference guide to the essential concepts in Psychology.
Written by a subject expert, this book will help you to secure your knowledge of the ideas, theories and processes essential to understanding psychology. Whether you are looking to learn about a new concept, refresh your knowledge or advance your understanding:
·Use this invaluable reference guide at home, in class or on the move with the easy look-up book or free e-version
·Make even tricky concepts easy to understand with the quick-reference definitions and clear, trustworthy explanations
·Build essential vocabulary with key terms used in the explanations
·Apply your understanding with contextualised case studies integrated into each concept
This reference guide is suitable for new and advanced students of Psychology courses.
Explains the key terms for anyone studying in school, college or those working in the psychology sector. Each entry begins with a clear definition and is followed by explanation that contextualises the concept and applies it to the real world.
From ‘aggression’ to ‘perception’ Collins Key Concepts provides a clear definition, in-depth description and real world example for the essential terms in psychology, making the most complicated of concepts easy to understand.
This is an invaluable reference for students across all psychology courses, helping familiarise them with the language of the field. Perfect for new students as terms and concepts are clearly explained, helping students new to psychology gain a thorough understanding quickly. A great companion book throughout the course giving the more advanced student full explanations of important and challenging concepts, helping them tackle course assignments with confidence.
Kay Kendall has many years’ experience teaching Psychology and applying its uses to patient care in her work as a nurse. In her current role she teaches and examines across AS and A2 exams.
Approaches to psychology
Approaches: behavioural
Approaches: biological
Approaches: cognitive
Approaches: evolutionary
Approaches: humanist
Approaches: psychodynamic
Attachment: formation
Attachment: privation & disruption
Attachment: types
Biological rhythms
Conditioning: classical
Conditioning: operant
Debates: free will & determinism
Debates: nature and nurture
Disorders: depression
Disorders: OCD
Disorders: phobias
Disorders: schizophrenia
Issues: culture and gender bias
issues: reductionism
Memory: cognitive interview
Memory: eye witness testimony
Memory: forgetting
Memory: levels of processing
Memory: reconstructive
Memory: structure
OBEs and NDEs
Research: data types
Research: design
Research: ethics
Research: methods
Research: reliability & validity
Science & pseudo-science
Sleeping: explanations
Social learning theory
Stress: bodily responses
Stress: individual differences
Stress: workplace
Therapies: behavioural
Therapies: biological
Therapies: CBT
Therapies: psychoanalysis
Approaches to psychology
In psychology, there are various ways of looking at the same thing — different points of view or perspectives based certain assumptions. A psychologist’s particular perspective or approach will influence the methods they choose to study both humans and non-humans. It will also influence the type of therapies chosen to treat disorders.
Different approaches in psychology
There are several approaches used in psychology: biological, psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, evolutionary and humanistic. Each approach offers reasons why people function as they do, based on a particular set of assumptions.
The different approaches influence the types of methods a psychologist chooses to study phenomena, the conclusions drawn from the studies, and treatments chosen for disorders. These treatments are called therapies, and they may be biological or psychological. To know how each therapy works, you first need to understand the ideas behind the particular approach the therapy is based on.
How approach affects perception
Langer & Abelson (1974) investigated whether a psychologist’s approach would influence their view of a person’s behaviour. Clinicians from two psychological approaches (psychodynamic and behavioural) were shown a video of an interview between two men. Half of each group were told the interviewee was a job applicant and the other half were told he was a patient. The researchers expected the psychodynamic clinicians to rate the interviewee as more disturbed than the behaviourist clinicians. They found that the psychodynamic clinicians rated the man as disturbed when told he was a patient, but as relatively normal when told he was an interviewee. In contrast, the behaviourist clinicians rated the man as reasonably well adjusted in both conditions. The researchers suggested the reason for this was that the behaviourists rated the man based only on his overt behaviour, compared to the psychodynamic clinicians who were trained to look further than the surface. As the researchers pointed out, this study was purely to show how approach can affect perception of participants.
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