读本1 第一书
第一部分 作为人造物的建筑
1 建筑历史与理论
读本2 文化转型和地域转型
读本3 乌托邦建筑
读本4 社区建筑
读本5 历史和先例:走向旧建筑
2 建筑形式
读本6 建筑师及其符号
读本7 历史主义与符号学的局限性
读本8 审美过程的经验背景
读本9 列表作为一种设计方法,以及非对称和不协调性
3 建筑技术
读本10 智能的呼吸
读本11 一个新技术概念和几个特征
读本12 抵制形式的结构
读本13 高层办公大楼的艺术思考
第二部分 建筑的文脉
4 城市的环境
读本14 场所和力量:一个关于洛杉矶的设想
读本15 城市需要旧建筑
读本16 回顾与展望
读本17 回归古希腊广场
5 自然环境
读本18 美国的公共空间
读本19 场地的浪费
读本20 论价值
6 人文环境
读本21 作为人类自我之任号的房子
读本22 空间人类学:一种组织模式
读本23 论建筑对文化的回应
读本24 时空
第三部分 建筑的过程
7 设计过程
8 建筑的社会含义
9 建筑职业
CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER is a professor of architecture at the University of California at Berke’Lev.Hc is also a practicing architect who has implemented a variety of analytic design tools and waysof design thinking in his practice.Alexander’S writings include Community and Privacy(with S.Cher—mayeff).Notes on the Synthesis of Form;A Pattern Language(with S.Ishikawa and M.Silverstein);and The Timeless Way ofBuilding.
REYNER BANHAM was an architectural educator and critic who studied the relationships betweenmodem technology.social processes,and architectural design.He taught at University College,London;the State University of New York at Buffalo;and the University of California at Santa Cruz.His booksinclude Theory and Design in the First Machine Age;The New Brutalism;The Architecture ofthe Well—Tempered Environment;and A Concrete Atlantis.JUDITH R.BLAU is a Gillian T Ceil University Professor of Sociology at the University of North Car—olina。Chapel Hill.She is an expert on the cultural and social dimensions of the architectural,planning,and design professions.Blau has conducted a variety of research projects that focus on the ecology ofcontemporary cultural organizations.Her books include Architects and Firms:/he Shape of Culture;Remaking the City;and Social Contracts and Economic Markets.
ERNEST L.BOYER served as president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teachingand is CO.author(with L.Mitgang)of Building Community:A New Future for Architectural Educationond Practice.His books have covered education at all levels and include College:The UndergraduateExper{ence;ScholarshJp Reconsidered;Ready tO Learn;and the Basic Sch001.Boyer also served as U.S.Commissioner of Education from 1 977-79 and chancellor of the 64..campus State University of NewYbrk system from 1970-77.
GEOFFREY BROADBENT is an architectural educator and researcher,was the Head of School,Portsmouth,1 967—88,and retired in 1 994.His books include Design in Architecture;Urban Space De—sign;and edited compilations on Signs,Symbols,and Architecture(with R.Bunt,C.Jenks)and Mean—ing and Behavior/with R.Bunt and T Llorens).Professor Broadbent is retired,but continues a vigor—OUS lecture schedule,especially in Latin America.DENISE SCOTT BROWN is a partner with Robert Venturi in the architectural firm of Venturi,ScottBrown and Associates,Inc.As an architect,planner,and urban designer,she is responsible for the firm’Surban planning,urban design,campus planning,and architectural and facilities programming projects.Brown’S 35 years of interdisciplinary experiences cover building complexes,downtowns,commercialdistricts.inner-city neighborhoods,recreation areas,university campuses,small towns,and suburbs.She is the 1 996 recipient of the ACSA/AIA Topaz Medallion.
ALAN COLQUHOUN is an architect and educator who practiced as a partner in the LondOn firmColquhoun and Miller and also taught at several institutions including the Architectural Ass0Ciation.Princeton,Cornell,and the Polytechnic of Central London.His designs reflected the evo〕ution of histheories of architecture,which are expressed in his books Essays in Architectural Criticism and ModC卜nity and the Classical Tradition.
JAMES MARSTON FITCH is a leading authority in the United States in the field 0f historjC Drcserva.tion.Dr.Fitch founded Beyer Blinder Belle,an architectural firm in New York City known for i‘tS uniauedesign and development approach to historic preservation.He was the founder and director of the graduate programs In historic preservation at both Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania.He is the recipient of the Louise du Pont Crowninshield Award,The National Trust for HistoriC Prcsevation’s highest honor for an exemplary career in preservation.His writings include The AmericBuilding:The Historical and Environmental Forces That Shape//;Walter Gropius;ArchitcCtEsthetics ofPlenty;and Historic Preservation.“Curatorial Management ofthe Built World.
KENNE丁H FRAMPTON is an architect and architectural historian.He has taught at the Royal C011eQeof An in London,was a fellow of the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in New Ybrk.and Curently is the Ware Professor ofArchitecture at Columbia University.His books include ModernArchi.tecture:A Critical History;Modern Architecture:1851—1945;and Studies in Tecton/c C“It“rf.He is the1 99 1 recipient of the ACSA/AIAopaz Medallion.R.
BUCKMINSTER FULLER was an architect,engineer,inventor,and philosopher wh0 is best knOwnin architectural history for his use of the geodesic dome as a structural form.He was a writer and Pub—lisher,the principal of the Dymaxion and Geodesic Corporations,and Professor of Design at SouthemIllinois University.He authored the books Critical Path;Earth Inc SpaceShipEarth;and Synergetics:Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking.
ROBERT GUTMAN is a sociologist on the faculty of the School of Architecture at PrinCeton Univer—S’ty,where he teaches courses on housing,housing practice,and architectural theory.Dr.Gutman haswritten extensively on issues of the built environment and the profession.He is an honorary member 0fthe AIA,and has been the recipient of many awards,citations,and fellowships from associations andIoundations in architecture and the social sciences.His books include People and Buildings;The De..sign ofAmerican Housing;Neighborhood,Cir.and Metropolis;and Architectural PraCti
EDWARDHALL is a writer,educator,and anthropologist who pioneered the studv of the relation—ships between human culture and the built environment.He has held a variety of positions in highereducation,government,and business.His work has bridged the disciplinary boundaries of design.thesocial sciences,philosophy,and politics.His books include The Silent Language;The Hidden Dimen—sion;Beyond Culture;The Dance ofLife;The Fourth Dimension in Architecture;and A”Anthrop(C)/一ogy ofEveryday Life.
DAVID S.HAVILAND is a professor of architecture and Vice President for Student Life a〔RenssclacrPolytechnic Institute,Troy,New York.He teaches and conducts research in the building procurementprocess and practice management,and he has edited a number of practice publications for the AmericanInstitute of Architects(AIA)
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